Just in time for the inevitable question, “Is Santa for real?” Sherman Street Publishers is happy to offer: 


For kids who have doubts

Available on Amazon November 18

A Letter from Santa as dictated to Mary O’Neill, and illustrated by Kayla Phan

When a young girl questions how Santa can deliver all those gifts in one night, Santa decides it’s time to explain some things. He dictates a letter and asks the girl’s perplexed grandmother to share it with kids everywhere. His letter describes how he is as real as they are. His life is much like theirs. Then one day his parents push him to give a beloved toy to a child who has nothing. Much to his surprise, young Nicholas finds joy in giving!

“Though I was still a boy, it was the start of a miracle,” he writes. “I was becoming Santa Claus. But it didn’t happen all at once.”

A Letter from Santa Claus will appeal to kids facing the inevitable doubts about Santa. Can something so wonderful be real? Does growing up mean losing the magic? Santa reveals the miracle that will keep the magic alive forever.

Recommended for kids who have started asking questions about Santa’s existence. (Generally ages 10-14) This book will not spoil the belief for younger kids but may elicit some questions from them.  

Notes to parents: Since Santa started out as a priest, there are religious references throughout. The book is written in a way that will help kids and parents of all persuasions cope with the inevitable realization that Santa is not what children first believe. The story unveils the larger truth, that Santa needs everyone to be part of the Christmas spirit to keep his miracle going.